What’s Next?
- Our team is reviewing your request.
- You may get a direct response from one of our featured clinics: Banobagi Plastic Surgery. This is designed to get you a qualified opinion from an experienced hospital immediately.
If you do not get a response back in 3 days contact us on:
- Facebook messenger: (Click Here) https://m.me/myseoulsecret
- WhatsApp/WeChat/Line: +82-010-2699-7938
- Email: [email protected]
Sending details to qualified clinics and medical staff
Please wait three to four business days for your first quote
Receive treatment opinions and quotes
Two to three quotes from clinics will be sent to you via email, phone or SMS
Review your options and give us feedback
Want more clarification? Want to add or remove treatments? Need us to negotiate budget & pricing?
Finalize details & treatment plan
Secure consultation appointments or pre-book your treatment/operation date
Prepare your travel
If you need recommendations for accommodations, we can help you.
Fly to Seoul
We’ll be in touch with you the whole way, making your trip easy
Face to face consultation and diagnosis
Finalize treatment goals, and opinions with surgical staff and medical team at clinics
Treatment and surgery
The big day is finally here, your My Seoul Secret coordinator will help you make all the necessary arrangements you need before and after surgery for a comfortable recovery.
Recovery & post treatment Care
Need assistance or help? Rescheduling your post operation care appointments? Need food or items to help your recovery? We’re here for you!
About My Seoul Seoul Secret
At My Seoul Secret, you can be assured of our commitment to enhancing your health and well-being by providing you the best service. We help coordinate and assist patients as a virtual medical concierge service.
We understand that each individual is unique and deserves the very best attention and care. Our network clinics and hospitals are internationally accredited and are under strict regulations.
We have taken the job of doing the necessary research for you and assure you that our partners are the best in their specific locations. Patient safety and satisfaction is our priority.