Reply To: Zygoma reduction

Jeet Singh

These are good questions, but I think you should first approach your zygoma reduction concerns more broadly, and get a couple of opinions from doctors because everyone’s facial characteristics vary, so it’s hard to predict a diagnosis, recommended procedures and how your face will change without a doctor seeing you first.

Take a few photos: Front, side, and 45 degree angle – conceal your identity by putting circles over your eyes, and send them to a few clinics for an email consultation. You might also want to post them on our Ask a Doctor section to have different doctors share their feedback. Nothing beats face to face, so if you have some clinics in your hometown try visiting a few just to get their opinion. Don’t visit too many, it might confuse you. Then go through their feedback, research and get a better idea, so when you come to Korea for face to face consultations, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision.

The technique described in the paper you linked sounds interesting, and upon further search I learned the authors of the paper and technique are doctors from the following clinics:

Kangnam Plastic Surgery
Building 3F, 577-7 Shinsa- dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-891, Korea.
Tel: 82-2-514-0681, Fax: 82-2-514-0756 /

You might want to follow up with them for more specific information and an inquiry. They seem pretty active in sharing progressive techniques and procedures with the international medical journal community.

Also one clinic to consider for zygoma reduction is View Plastic Surgery they are highly specialized in zygoma reduction.


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